Lips4ever.eu values each and every customer's privacy to the higest degree. And our main goal is to provide secure and safe environment for our customers to shop. We are working very hard to bring you a more comprehensive and detailed Privacy Policy in the very near future.
In the meantime, we guarantee that your personal information, as well as your purchase history is safe with us. We promise not to disclose this to anyone at all, under no circumstances. This means we will not sell your name, address, email or any other personal information that you have trusted in providing us.
The processing of personal data is carried out primarily in accordance with the Regulation of the European Parliament and Council (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repeal of the Directive 95/46 / EC (RODO, Regulation 2016/679, general regulation on data protection), as well as other regulations of the European Union and the Republic of Poland.
The Controller is Topclass24 Halina Stawińska with its registered office in Warszawa, ul. Konstancińska 11a/18, 02-942 Warszawa, Poland
You can contact us by sending a correspondence to the address as above
or by sending an email to info@lips4ever.pl
The personal data of which We are the controller are obtained by us directly from people whom they concern or indirectly from other persons or entities.
These data are processed mainly using information systems in an automated way, and in the case of obtaining documents using paper documents also in a manual manner.
The personal data obtained by us may contain various categories of personal data necessary to perform a given process or the purpose of processing personal data.
Each time We collect your personal information, We will inform you in detail, through appropriate information clauses, on all aspects related to the processing of personal data collected for the purposes of the process, activity or purpose of personal data processing.
We undertake to constantly monitor and regularly verify the purposes of processing personal data and to delete or anonymize personal data in a situation where the purpose for which personal data were collected will be realized.
Each time We start processing your personal data, We will inform you for what purpose the data will be processed.
We will do our best to provide this information in clear and understandable language and to receive this information before sharing your personal information with us or in the shortest possible time after obtaining it and to have access to it permanently, regardless of whether your personal data will be obtained by us directly from you or indirectly.
You can find more detailed information on the purposes of processing personal data in the relevant information clause.
We are committed to constantly monitor and periodically verify the processing of personal data and to delete or anonymize personal data in accordance with the designated processing period.
Each time We start processing your personal data, We will inform you about the period in which We intend to process your personal data.
We will do our best to provide this information in clear and understandable language and to receive this information before sharing your personal information with us or in the shortest possible time after obtaining it and to have access to it permanently, regardless of whether your personal data will be obtained by us directly from you or indirectly.
You can find more detailed information about the processing of personal data in the relevant information clause.
We are committed to constantly monitor and periodically verify recipients of personal data, i.e. entities to which personal data will be shared.
Every time We start processing your personal data, We will inform you about recipients or categories of recipients of your personal data.
We will do our best to provide this information in clear and understandable language and to receive this information before sharing your personal information with us or in the shortest possible time after obtaining it and to have access to it permanently, regardless of whether your personal data will be obtained by us directly from you or indirectly.
The sharing of personal data will take place only in cases and to the extent it will be necessary.
Your personal data may be made available to our employees, co-workers, subcontractors and our Data Protection Officer in situations when it will be necessary to perform the tasks provided for in law, internal procedures or contracts.
You can find more detailed information about recipients of personal data in the relevant information clause.
We are committed to continuous monitoring and regular verification of the rules and techniques used for the automated processing of personal data.
Every time We start processing your personal data, We will inform you about the automated processing of personal data, in particular about automatic decision making, as well as about the importance and anticipated consequences of automated processing of personal data.
We will do our best to provide this information in clear and understandable language and to receive this information before sharing your personal information with us or in the shortest possible time after obtaining it and to have access to it permanently, regardless of whether your personal data will be obtained by us directly from you or indirectly.
You can find more detailed information on the automated processing of personal data and on automated decision-making in the relevant information clause.